Tuesday, August 28, 2018

First Glimpse at Game of Thrones : Season 8

The wait is over. Exactly 365 days after Game of Thrones : Season 7 | Episode 7 - "The Dragon and The Wolf" aired on T.V. and we satisfied our eyes with one final look at our favorite TV show before going into a two year long period of exile and dismay; HBO has given us what we've been waiting for. Though this is not a descriptive and exclusive Game of Thrones teaser; we do get just over three seconds of Season 8 footage. Here, watch it yourself.

Its hard to miss but the brief hug that Jon Snow (or should I say 'Aegon Targaryen'?) and Sansa Stark share is from Season 8. I swept every second of Seasons 7 and 6 on fast forward to personally verify this. The only other time that Jon and Sansa hug is in Season 6 and that scene looks pretty different. 

Now, this should be it, shouldn't it? We get 3 seconds of footage to feast our eyes on and remember our favorite show while we wait another year. As history is evident, that doesn't happen in the world of Game of Thrones fandom. 

These two frames were enough to get me thinking and here is what they signify. Since Jon makes it to Winterfel and hugs Sansa, I'm pretty sure he doesn't know that the Night King has breached the wall. He'll find out soon enough when he speaks to Bran who's probably in his chambers. Remember, Bran saw the whole thing happen. I have a crazy theory that Bran could have been looking at an event thats gonna happen in the future but I personally don't think it would matter much. Remember, "The ink is dry". So, they can't really stop the Night King from bringing down the wall. 

Also, Jon definitely hasn't had the time to figure out the fact that Viserion has turned into a wight. We don't hear him and Daenerys talk about it and he's been acting too calm. I, for one, think he'd have started to freak out about it. It probably didn't cross his mind. The expedition beyond the wall was rough on him. He was pushed underwater by a band of wights, he saw a Dragon fight walkers and die, he looked the Night King in the eye and most importantly, he found his long lost beloved Uncle Benjen who sacrificed himself to save his life. Its been rough. I wouldn't blame Jon for overlooking this.

Moreover, the fact that Jon doesn't even know about the wall-breaking incident means that him and Danny have reached Winterfel before the Night King hits it. Which means, get ready to gasp, that when the Night King does hit Winterfel with Viserion, Danny's dragons (Rhaegal and Drogon) will be already there and we'll get to skip our beats at the sight of three dragons in a battle.

I could dig deeper but I believe that the more assumptions I make, the higher the chances of them coming true. The higher the chances of them coming true; the lesser the fun we'll have when we watch them next year. I want my readers to gasp when they watch the episodes next year, not as they read my posts. 

I'll be making more posts on GOT season 8 as more teasers roll out but will not break them down thoroughly so as to not spoil the show. We can expect great things to happen next year.

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