Monday, May 21, 2018

Everything wrong with Avengers: Infinity War

Avenger's Infinity War is the most anticipated movie of 2018. While Marvel's 10 year long Superhero spectacle crushes records by the hour, lets jolt down and discuss some of the aspects of 2018's Mega Movie and see how things could have been done better.

The Marvel Intro

Let's look at the Marvel Into scene form Civil War on the left which also happens to be my favorite because of the really cool background music and the Black Panther Intro scene which is the newest version of the Intro that has been changed twice and had three variations over the past 10 years.


The Intro for Infinity War though was just a version of the latest one with no background music except for an eerie score from the Asgadian Ship, which was pretty bland. Fans came to watch this movie with 10 years worth of anticipation and excitement piled up and looking at a very boring version of the Intro which is usually an eye catcher must have been very disappointing.

Thanos' Character

Let's take a look at Thanos' Cameo from Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

The Mad Titan looks like a pretty dangerous villain in this scene. His Purple skin, deep voice and all in all facial expressions would easily terrify anyone. But Infinity War's version of Thanos' is very friendly when viewed side-by-side with the previous ones. 

Thanos' is a very dangerous villain but no one was surely terrified of seeing him in Infinity War. Other franchises have done a compelling job of making their Villains look dangerous over the years. Voldemort from Harry Potter and Darth Vader from Star Wars (especially that climax scene in Rogue One) are both excellent examples.

I really think that a more mortifying appearance of Thanos could have really made the movie better.

Thanos-killing Weapon?

Thor: Ragnarok witnessed the end of Mjolnir. Though we thought that the God of Thunder would never be the same without his beloved magical weapon, we were proven wrong. Thor was unstoppable in the climax of Ragnarok. Odin explicitly told his eldest son that his Hammer was only meant to help him concentrate his power, it was never the source of his strength.

Despite the above facts, Thor, who has the second longest screen-time in Infinity War after Thanos, spends a majority of his time building a new weapon, out of action. Now, I understand why Thor needed Stormbreaker to defeat Thanos but honestly, giving all that screen-time to a Weapons manufacturing mission that too at the expense of potentially cool team-ups doesn't make a lot of sense to me.


Infinity War has some pretty cool music, no doubt on that notion. The problem being the fact that the very cool music from the Trailers was almost never used and honestly, it was even better. 

Let's have a look at the trailers.


Awesome, right? The same can't be said for the movie. There were only two scenes with cool music. 


Spoilers do a better job than Jennifer Aniston at ruining good movies. No, I'm not talking about the spoilers that appeared on the web after the movie began screening across the globe. Though the film was ruined for many because of these 'post-release' spoilers, many fans successfully avoided them by refraining from Social Media. 

The real spoilers which ruined it for even the most disciplined and introvert fans were the ones Marvel gave out themselves.

When Marvel began shooting Infinity War, various studio officials and cast members openly stated that the movie will have two parts. However, they later stated that Avengers 4 would not be related to Infinity War but fans knew that this was BS. This, in my accordance was the biggest spoiler. There's no Infinity War without Thanos, so, basically everyone knew that Thanos wasn't gonna die in this movie. 

However, if Marvel hadn't spoiled it for us, the movie's ending would have hit us harder. Try and recall the scene when Thor plunges Stormbreaker into Thanos' chest. Since we knew Thanos wasn't likely to die, we were only waiting to see what happened next. The snap shocked us but not all that much. If the same scene is viewed with the perspective of someone who didn't know that the movie has two parts, the snap shocks us even more. 

Also, Marvel had already announced sequels to solo films of many characters who died after the Snap. So, we also know that they aren't gonna be dead for long. This will definitely suck out our amusement in Avengers 4 whose title remains unknown after Marvel Studios ruled out possibilities of it being called "Infinity War Part 2".

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